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Remote solar panels in shared solar farms are the best way to save on energy.

Available even if you’re in a flat or renting


Cheaper than panels on your roof


How it works


We fit solar panels for you in our solar farm, instead of on your roof.

You receive your free electricity through the grid to your home.

Our experts pick the most suitable locations to install your panels.


Available to everyone


Even if you live in a flat or are renting! No planning permission needed. 

Sell your excess energy


We will buy any energy you don't use from you at the typical feed-in-tariff/smart export price, guaranteed.

Low risk


We give higher and longer guarantees on your panels than typical solar roof installers.

Much cheaper than roof install


Our early bird price is £1,250 per kW - just half the cost of a typical home roof installation (£2,562 per kW).

Keep your home the way it is


No technology is installed in your home. There is no hassle, no risk of damage, and no unsightly changes. 

Greener than a green tariff


Directly drive development of additional renewable energy generation.

More efficient


Our panels are angled precisely to maximise efficiency, rather than being stuck with whatever angle your roof is. Most roofs are shaded by trees or buildings for some of the day, but our fields are in full sun all day.

More flexible


Moving house? Take your free electricity with you and never worry about switching providers. 

Solar Panels

How do we compare

Save around £400-600 a year.


Remote Solar Panels pay for themselves in around 7 years. This is around 7 years sooner than roof solar panels.

Larger households can save even more money with more panels.

Let's look at a real life scenario. Here's how the costs of remote and roof solar panels compare to not using solar energy.

Cost sourced from EON's roof solar panel installation offering as of 12/09/2022

Remote Solar Panels


Output: 2.34 kW (suitable for a small house)

Cost: £2,925


Expected Annual Saving: £444 (free solar energy plus Smart Export Guarantee for what you don't use)


After 7 years: £183 better off than not getting solar panels

After 14 years: £3,290 better off than without solar panels

Roof Solar Panels


Output: 2.34 kW (six panels, suitable for a small house)

Cost: £5,995


Expected Annual Saving: £431(free solar energy plus Smart Export Guarantee for what you don't use)


After 7 years: £2,978 worse off than not getting solar panels

After 14 years: only £39 better off than without solar panels

About us

Green Seed Energy is a UK-based team focused on building a sustainable and affordable future for everyone. 

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